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Monday 25 March 2019, 2:36pm

Students on the BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management specialise in a particular area of theatre production skills in preparation for their chosen career. Their work is put into practice on our public productions, short films and their own personal projects.

Current BA student Leo Rameckers created this wonderful copy of the famous bronze Florentine boar as one of his projects in prop-making:

“As a BA (Hons) technical theatre student, I get a lot of time to work on and expand specific skills that are useful to my profession as a prop-maker.

One of the essentials is carving objects of any size or shape out of polystyrene and make them look like real materials, spanning everything from metal and stone, all the way to organic fabric like crocodile skin.

I chose my project, an adaptation of the Florentine boar, to build both my ability to carve objects of significant scale, and to really go into minute detail as well.

I finished it by figuring out a method of convincingly faking metal effects that hold up, no matter how close you look.”

Leo Rameckers, BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management