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The second Annual Stage Management Journeys seminar, in honour of RADA graduate and National Theatre London stage manager Trish Montemuro, was held on 9 July 2024 in RADA Studios.

The event featured a high profile panel of speakers from across the industry: award-winning director and writer Sir Richard Eyre, former director of the National Theatre; West End producer Martyn Hayes; stage manager Hetti Curtis; and theatre agent Rachel Briscoe. The panel was moderated by RADA Academy Dramaturg Lloyd Trott.

Sir Richard Eyre kicked off the event with a moving tribute to Trish Montemuro, with whom he worked on numerous productions at the National Theatre. In a speech of deep emotion, Sir Richard explained to the crowd that 'Trish ... self-effacingly embodied [National Theatre's] unspoken ideals: integrity, collaboration, achievement, ambition, and excellence.' He completed the speech with a memorable quote from William Pitt about the immortality of friendship.

The theme of friendship linked to West End producer Martyn Hayes, who knew Trish since their days together at RADA - Trish as a student in the early 1980s, Martyn as RADA Staff Stage Manager and mentor.  Martyn related his own journey in theatre, moving across every aspect of stage management from Assistant Stage Manager at the Royal Shakespeare Company to production manager at the Tricycle Theatre, and ultimately to production, including successful runs of Dirty Dancing in the West End, touring productions of Guys and Dolls, Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera across the world from the West End to Broadway, Los Angeles, Europe and beyond.

Stage Manager Hetti Curtis spoke compellingly about her experiences in stage managing challenging new formats of production such as the ground-breaking Punchdrunk performances, and the critical front-line role of the stage manager as both manager and support for actors in a production. Hetti also highlighted the value of variety in experiences.

Theatrical agent Rachel Briscoe seconded the theme of breadth of experience and the emotional aspects of stage management, recalling the value of variety as she moved from early ballet dreams to study at RADA where she was exposed to the full spectrum of backstage professions ('I was surprised as anyone that I was top of class in welding!'), and broadened her own journey to ultimately become a theatrical agent.

Following an engaging Q&A session with the audience - including a thoughtful question from RADA President David Harewood OBE - the attendees networked with panelists and industry participants over drinks while perusing the stage management "bibles", hand-written notes and photos from Trish and Sir Richard's productions at National Theatre displayed in the lobby, including the David Hare series of plays. 

Many thanks to the panelists for generously sharing their time and experiences; to RADA President David Harewood OBE and members of the RADA Presidents Circle and Collaborate Patrons for their attendance; to RADA alum and National Theatre Stage Manager Jane Suffling for her invaluable help in organizing the event, inviting panelists and bringing so many participants and colleagues from industry; to the National Theatre Archives team and coordinator Rebekah Hayes for the archival display; and to Satoko Yamaga Macdonald for sponsoring the event in honour of Trish Montemuro.

Stage Management Journeys is an annual event held during the Summer at RADA.