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Patron His Majesty King Charles III
President David Harewood OBE
Vice President Cynthia Erivo

RADA Council

Chair Marcus Ryder MBE
Vice Chair John Romeo
Vice Chair Helen Selwood
Judith Blake, The Baroness Blake of Leeds CBE
Professor Judith Buchanan
Lolita Chakrabarti OBE
Judith Chan
Tim Clark OBE
Niamh Dowling
Rishi Madlani
Richard Middleton
Maxine Peake
Tanya Rose
Michael Simkins
Bex Snell
Shona Spence
Caroline Spicer
Jake Steele
Miranda Wayland

Student Council Members
Joanie Diamond
Katherine Morton

Staff Council Members
Lizzie Ballinger
Tom Carswell
Matt Leventhall

Finance and General Purposes Committee

Chair Caroline Spicer
Judith Chan
Tim Clark OBE
Richard Middleton

Audit Committee

Chair Shona Spence
Rishi Madlani
Helen Selwood

Honorary Fellows

Cicely Berry CBE (1926-2018)
Sir John Gielgud (1904-2000)
Mona Hammond OBE (1931-2022)
Thelma Holt CBE
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Kathryn Hunter
Glenda Jackson CBE (1936-2023)
Winsome Pinnock FRSL
Stephen Sondheim (1930-2021)
Francine Watson Coleman

RADA Ambassadors

Eric Abraham
Michael Attenborough CBE
Patsy Baker
Duncan Bannatyne OBE
Peter Bennett-Jones
Josh Berger CBE
Eve Best
Sir Kenneth Branagh
Theo Fennell
Ralph Fiennes
Michael Grade CBE
Sabrina Guinness
Thelma Holt CBE
Sir Anthony Hopkins CBE
Joyce Hytner OBE
Francine LeFrak
Martyn Lewis CBE
Deborah Lincoln
Piers Russell-Cobb
John Whitney CBE

Development Board

Chair John Romeo
Vice Chair Tanya Rose
Deborah Bangay KC
Richard Bernstein
Aidan Clegg
Kathryn Jacob OBE
Sumita Kumar
Richard Lissack KC
Jo Wardle