Next Stage: Theatre Production
From 2018-2021, we linked up with Platform to deliver a course designed to help young people decide if they wanted to pursue a career in theatre production. This was a free five-day course available to young people aged 16-20 living or studying in Islington.
Students have the chance to find out more about the application process, the industry, auditioning and explore whether drama school is the right option for them.
We especially encouraged applications from people who are under-represented within the creative industry including students from Global Majority backgrounds, low income households, disabled students and care experienced.
For more information about the Access and Participation work we do, please contact

Course includes
- lighting, video and sound workshops
- making costume and props workshops
- exploring a range of roles in the industry
- explaining the application process
- create a theatre production portfolio
- preparing for a practice interview
- a wellbeing session
- meet industry professionals
- a trip to RADA and the National Theatre
- free tickets for graduate RADA shows