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It’s a crucible for growing your creativity and seeing where it can go.
Anna, Part-Time Blended Acting Foundation 2023

Taught by RADA tutors and directors, this part-time course provides a rigorous training in the foundations of acting. It enables you to develop your rehearsal and performance practice, grow in confidence and understand the necessary skills needed to pursue a career in acting.

This course is designed for people with some experience of acting who are able to learn at an accelerated pace. The blended structure makes the most of the advantages of participants being in their own environment for certain activities, whilst also being able to work collaboratively in a rehearsal room. A timetable incorporating evenings, weekends and whole days facilitates participants who do not have the option of studying full-time.

You will have skills classes in:

  • acting technique (focusing on Stanislavski, Meisner and Hagen)
  • movement
  • voice
  • singing (group and solo)
  • scene study and monologues

Specialist classes in:

  • acting for camera
  • introduction to playwriting
  • introduction to filmmaking
  • world theatre
  • theatrical genres
  • devising

Rehearsal projects:

  • contemporary playwrights
  • Realist movement
  • Shakespeare

This course is not accredited and is therefore non-award bearing. In addition, please note that there is no student finance available for this course.

It was an incredible, transformative experience.
Renata, Part-Time Blended Acting Foundation 2023

Entry requirements

  • Selection by audition. Please see the application form and 'Applying' section below for more information.
  • Participants must be over 18 and have fluent, confident use and knowledge of the English language.
  • Participants must be able to demonstrate an intellectual, creative and practical ability to undertake intensive, accelerated vocational training.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Anyone who has studied drama previously at degree level
  • Anyone who has experience of performing arts
  • Anyone who has participated in previous acting training (e.g. short courses)
  • Anyone who has worked professionally as an actor
  • Writers, dramaturgs, or directors who wish to explore their potential as actors.

If you are not sure if this course is the right level for you, please email the Short Courses team at

The Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting is delivered over a six-month period, online and in-person at RADA.

The programme is rigorous and involves evening and Saturday work, as well as intensive in-person periods. You must ensure you will be able to attend all sessions of this course before accepting a place.

Indicative timetable:

1 week intensive:

In-person at RADA:
Monday–Saturday, 10am–5pm

3 weeks blended:

Wednesday 6.30pm–9.30pm
In-person at RADA:
Saturday 10am–5pm

3 weeks intensive:

In-person at RADA:
Monday – Friday, 10am–5pm

11 weeks blended:

Monday* 6.30pm–9.30pm
Wednesday 6.30pm–9.30pm
In-person at RADA:
Saturday 10am–5pm

7 weeks intensive:

In-person at RADA:
Monday – Friday, 10am–5pm

This is a non-accredited course which does not attract government funding. All participants offered places on the Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting are required to fund both the course fee and all living costs privately. Note the approximate living cost for living in London while studying is £1300 per month.

Applications will be accepted and offers made on a rolling basis until the advertised deadline. We therefore strongly suggest that you apply as early as possible.

Applying for the Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting is a two-stage process:

  1. Preliminary audition
  2. Workshop day at RADA* – October – February

Do note that, due to the volume of Applicants we audition, we do not provide feedback after either stage.

*Workshops will replicate the working experience at RADA, and in the profession, and may include physical and close eye contact with other applicants. If you have difficulties with these working methods, please alert the Short Courses team prior to these audition rounds and suitable adjustments will be made, where possible.

Preliminary audition: self-tape
Applicants are invited to submit a video self-tape audition via the application form. The preliminary audition will consist of three audition speeches (two classical, one contemporary) and a song, filmed in one continuous take. Each speech should last a maximum of two minutes, and your song should be unaccompanied (verse and chorus only), no longer than a minute and a half. We will also ask you to give us some information about yourself and your work.

Read our self-tape guide here.

RADA cannot provide advice on the suitability of your speech choices before you submit your video audition.

Workshop day: in-person at RADA
This is the final stage, and you will need to be ready to perform and workshop the 3 speeches you submitted on your self-tape. You will then have an individual interview with our Course Director, lasting approximately 10 minutes. Our intention is that the day is relaxed and enjoyable for all applicants so that, regardless of the outcome, you will have had an enriching experience.

Read guidance on the application procedure, including choosing your speeches and next steps.

There is an application fee of £39, which you will need to pay at the end of the form before you submit it – so please make sure you have a payment method ready.

Information for disabled applicants

We welcome applications from disabled applicants and encourage them to disclose relevant information regarding any disability when completing their application form, to enable us to provide additional support during the interview process.

There is no government funding (Disabled Students’ Allowance) available for this programme but we will discuss any specific learning needs with the individual, prior to their joining. If you are a disabled candidate and would like further advice or guidance, please contact us at

Information for International participants

Please note that this course meets the requirements for a Standard Visitor Visa.

    I am under 18, can I apply to RADA?

    Candidates must be at least 18 by the start of course to apply for the Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting.

    What qualifications do I need?

    Application is by audition only; no academic qualifications are required.

    Is the application procedure for the Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting the same as the Foundation Course in Acting and BA (Hons) in Acting?

    No, this course has an entirely separate application process. Please see the 'Applying' section above for more information.

    How many participants are accepted each year?

    RADA accepts up to 28 participants on the Part-Time Blended Foundation Course in Acting each year.

    After I’ve sent in my application, how long will it take to hear back from you?

    You will get an automated message to confirm we have received your application. Applications are reviewed as they are submitted, and group workshop auditions are offered to successful candidates on a first come, first served basis.

    What happens if I am ill on the day of my audition?

    If you are ill on the day, please email in advance of your audition.

    Where possible, we will try to provide an alternative date, but this may not be possible as it is dependent on where we are in the auditions process.

    Does RADA offer audition feedback?

    We are unable to provide audition feedback at all stages of the process due to the large number of applicants.

    Is there any accommodation or housing provided?

    RADA does not currently have its own accommodation, but we can provide a list of local housing providers to participants.

    What are the Terms and Conditions of my booking?

    You can read the full Terms and Conditions here.

    Does the course count towards University credits?

    There are no University Credits associated with this course.

    Will I get a certificate at the end of the course?

    Yes. A Certificate of Completion is available for this course. Certificates are awarded to participants who had no unexcused absences or lateness and operated within the obligations laid out in the Terms and Conditions.

    What is the attendance policy?

    Our attendance policy can be read within our Terms and Conditions. 100% attendance and punctuality are expected for all classes.

    Is there any work to do outside of class time?

    Participants will be required to undertake some further personal preparation work after classes and outside of RADA.