Full screen

Productions whilst at RADA

  • Touchstone / Jaques de Boys
    As You Like It (Shakespeare for Young Audiences) directed by Gabriella Bird
  • Tom Fashion
    The Relapse (course project) directed by John Baxter
  • Oedipus / Shepherd
    Oedipus Tyrannos directed by Mathew Wernham
  • Lady Macbeth
    Macbeth (course project) directed by Ami Sayers

Special skills

Accents and dialects: good ear for accents - General American, RP, Leeds, Edinburgh, Dublin, German

Stage combat: BASSC Armed (distinction) and Unarmed (distinction)

RADA Prize Fights 2024: The Henry Marshall Prize for Best Scene

Awards: Laurence Olivier Bursary Award

Singing: soprano

Dance: period

Languages: German (intermediate)

Music: piano (basic), ukulele (basic)

Driving licence: UK full

Other: running, boxing (intermediate) fine art

Previous experience

Matilda Blackwell, The Sweet Science of Bruising, dir. Victoria Evaristo, Young Actors Theatre

Young Actors Theatre Islington, Foundation Course

National Youth Theatre