Dylan Aiello

Special skills
Accents: American (East Coast - standard (native), Alabama), English (East London), Scottish (Glasgow)
Languages: Italian (fluent), German (fluent), French (fluent)
Singing: tenor
Music: piano (basic), electronic production (advanced)
Sports: ice skating (advanced), hockey (advanced), basketball (intermediate), kettlebell sport (advanced), swimming (intermediate), meyerhold biomechanics (intermediate)
Other skills: cooking, barista, sound design, fitness instructor/personal trainer
Full Canadian G driving licence
Previous experience
Projects at RADA
The Fool, Night, Opening, dir. Dylan Aiello (Bloomsbury Festival)
Manny, What if Birds, devised by the MA Theatre Lab in collaboration with Euripides Laskaridis
Sergeant, Kattrin, Mother Courage and Her Children, dir. Lesley Ewen
B, Barn Burning, dir. Xiangyi Tan
Prometheus, Prometheus Bound, dir. Ian Morgan and Christopher Siverston (International Youth Festival of Ancient Drama, Messene)
Gerald, Shakespeare the Sadist, dir. Michael Pollard (Emily Harvy Foundation, NY)
Film and television
Winter (lead), The Last Man, dir. Rosa Aiello (Fluentum, Berlin)
Jean (lead), Sidetracking, dir. Marco de Rosso (the British Film Institute, London)
CEO (supporting), The LIfe of the Life of a Craphead, dir. Jon McCurley and Amy Lam (Delfina Foundation, London)
Performer in Residence, Banff Centre for the Arts
Performer, The--Family, dir. Wojech Kosma (Transmission Gallery, Glasgow)
2019 - 2022 Robyn Kay, Meisner Technique, Robyn Kay Studio
2019 - 2022 Cindy Tanas, Actor's Instrument and Scene Study, Cindy Tanas Actor's Studio
2019 - 2022 - Kate Ashby, Improv, Kate Ashby Academy
2010 - 2014 Mary Killian, Classical and Jazz Piano
2014-2016 University of Toronto BA Hons.: International Relations, Cinema Studies