Elyssia Roe

Productions whilst at RADA
- Dr Lorna James
The Effect directed by Gari Jones - Ella
Curse of the Starving Class directed by Philip Dart - George
Am I Who (short film) directed by Joan Oliver - Danni
Gym (short film) directed by Daniel York Loh - Deirdre
Bold Girls directed by Ola Ince
- Elizabeth Law (younger)
When the Rain Stops Falling directed by Lucy Skilbeck - Portia / Servant
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare for Young Audiences) directed by Ché Walker - Mrs Sackbut
A Bold Stroke for a Wife (course project) directed by Jatinder Verma - Nurse
Hippolytus (course project) directed by Annie Tyson - Isabella / Angelo
Measure for Measure (course project) directed by Melanie Jessop
Voice reels
Commercial Demo 1 (Chatty)
Commercial Demo 2 (Bright)
Commercial Demo 3 (Smiley)
Commercial Demo 4 (Emotive)
Voice reel - Modern
Voice reel - Prose
Voice reel - Shakespeare
Special skills
Accents and dialects: Leeds, General American, RP, Glasgow, Cork
Stage combat: Armed - rapier and dagger (distinction), Armed - small sword (distinction)
Singing: strong alto / mezzo soprano
Dance: period (highly skilled) ballet (intermediate), modern
Other: horse riding (basic), swimming (school team), figure skating (preliminary level)
UK driving licence
Previous experience
Preliminary Acting Course - Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Fontainebleau School of Acting