Full screen

Productions whilst at RADA

  • Aidan
    NSFW directed by Joan Oliver
  • Dylan
    The Fight in the Dog (short film) directed by Pamela Jikiemi
  • Rhys
    Gym (short film) directed by Daniel York Loh
  • Frankie
    Am I Who (short film) directed by Joan Oliver
  • Ensemble
    Sweeney Todd directed by Nona Shepphard
  • Joe Ryan
    When the Rain Stops Falling directed by Lucy Skilbeck
  • Benedick
    Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare for Young Audiences) directed by Natasha Rickman
  • Romeo / Capulet
    Romeo and Juliet (course project) directed by Naeem Hayat
  • Oedipus / Creon
    Oedipus (course project) directed by Nona Shepphard
  • Sir George Airy
    The Busie Body (course project) directed by Robert Mountford

Voice reels

Voice reel - Modern
Voice reel - Prose
Voice reel - Shakespeare

Special skills

Accents and dialects: Leeds, General American, RP, South African, Jamaican

Singing: bass / baritone

Dance: period

Languages: French (fluent)