Full screen

Special skills

Accents: RP, American Southern, Cantonese

Languages: Spanish (basic)

Singing: baritone

Dance: tap (proficient)

Music: guitar, ukulele

Sports: rock climbing, mountain biking

Driving licence: US

Previous experience

Don Cinthio, Emperor of the Moon, dir. Kathryn Walsh, Theatreworks

Chadwick / Ensemble, Elf, dir. James Bruenger-Arreguin, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Centre

Various characters, Bi-Passing, dir. Cecilia Pang, Insight Colab Theatre

Ben, Great Bends (new work, workshop), dir. Cecilia Pang, Local Theatre Company

Performer / deviser / creator, roots (new original work), Boston University College of Fine Arts (self produced)

Featured dancer / football player, Colossal, dir Yo-El-Cassell, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Actor / Puppeteer / Singer, 6 Feet Apart, All Together (new work), dir. Stacy Klein, Double Edge Theatre

Ensemble, Anyone Can Whistle, dir. Clay Hopper, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Lodovico, Othello, dir. Noah Putterman, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Sam Nguyen, Amputees (new work), dir. Sarah Shin, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Actor / Puppeteer / Singer, I am the Baron (new work), dir. Matthew Glassman, Double Edge Theatre

Sam Nguyen, Amputees (workshop), dir. Michael Hisamoto, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Doctor, A New Brain (concert), dir. Nathan Halvorson, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Stevens, Dogfight (concert), dir. Nathan Halvorson, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Ensemble / featured dancer, Bye Bye Birdie, dir. Nathan Halvorson, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Pete, Bunnicula (TYA), dir. Billie McBride, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Multiple characters, The Stinky Cheeseman and Other Fairly Stupid Tales (TYA), dir. Meghann Henry

BFA Theatre Arts-Performance from Boston University

Double Edge Theatre

Pig Iron Theatre